Swindon Borough Council has confirmed that the vacancy seat can now filled by co-option.

If you are interested in serving as a Parish Councillor, please email enquries@standrews-pc.gov.uk or contact one of the local existing Parish Councillors with a written expression of interest along with a short personal statement giving reasons why you are interested In becoming a Parish Councillor and what particular set of skills and experience you feel you can bring to the role.

To be eligible you must appear on the current register of Electors or should, during the whole of the twelve months preceding the relevant date, have resided in or within three miles of the parish or be the the applicant’s only place of work during the whole of the preceding twelve months. The applicant must not be debarred from standing as a Councillor.

The closing date for the written submission of interest is Tuesday 1st April 2025.

Parish councillors will consider submissions at the April Full Council meeting.

Candidates for co-option will be required to attend the full council meeting in April 2025, to make a short, maximum 5 minutes address to the Parish Council giving reasons for wishing to be considered as a Parish Councillor.

Deborah Bourne

Locum Parish Clerk

4th February 2025